I know it seems like forever.....probably cuz it was forever, but we finally got the kitchen painted and the cabinets ordered (painting ordered). As you recall, Michael and Kim came up to rip off the wallpaper a while back..... Nona, Alayne, Dena, Matt and I got it sanded, textured, painted, and the wainscoating up. Whew! It was a hectic couple of days. The hard part wasn't the painting though, it was pinning mom down to a color. The kitchen wall looked like a patchwork quilt with all the different colors of paint swatches on it. The winner.......Toasted Duck. Actually it was a combo of Toasted Pecan and Baby Duck. The bottom color is Wicker. Where do they come up with these names? Next..... the living room. New carpet, paint, furniture, etc. All dependent on mom being able to stick to her choice! ANY IDEAS? Wish us luck!
The kitchen looks fabulous! I was hoping on an update on Aunt Leona's health? I am remembering her in my prayers! Leah Lowe
Are the cabinets painted yet?
Good job, crew!
Looks Great!
Looks awesome! I know that it was such a trial to get the color...now onto the carpet. Did my mom tell you I would love that piano? can't wait to see it!
The kitchen looks so beautiful! I love it! You all did such a good job! Can't wait to see the living room and wish I was there to help!
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