Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dear Pinterest,
I have spent a lot of time with you in the last few
months…unlike some people…I believe none of
that time has been wasted.  Because of you, I have…
Tried 10 new recipes, 3 new makeup techniques,
4 new nail polishes, 5 new hair styles, 2 new exercises…Put together 12 new outfits, found my new favorite boots, ordered chandeliers for my kitchen, but the most important thing I have done because of you is…made dozens of craft items found on your boards to sell at a benefit boutique for a family of 5 who just lost their mother to cancer....So…from the bottom of my heart..... THANK YOU! 

1 comment:

lisa said...

I am with you! I have made so many yummy meals and done several crafts with the kids and made several homemade birthday and Christmas gifts! I LOVE it!
Can't wait to see you in a few day! BTW

...physically and mentally!