Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Best Christmas Ever!

Before and After

We had a great Christmas. The kids all loved every present. I think getting older makes gift giving and receiving so much easier and more enjoyable. Dallin's Temple day was very nice. Thanks to all of you who came and participated. Thanks to Duane and Deb for hosting the after party. Here is a video of Dallin "celebrating" at their house. So typical. He is a nut.

We also got to spend a few hours at the Gordons in Miami. It was great to catch up with everyone. Of course we missed David and Odessa and kids, but we will see them in Feb. (Darrin, Dustin, Raun, and I are going to visit)

"the teenagers"

Grandma and Ellawyn

Happy New Years everyone.

1 comment:

SouthernAZ WOLFINGTON said...

I've always wanted to see how that skateboard thing-a-ma-jig works. Looks pretty cool! Is Dallin going to replace the mountain bike for that on his mission? jk.

...physically and mentally!