Thursday, April 9, 2009


So does anyone know what we will be called when we move there? We have had some interesting guesses. This is my favorite. It is funny and also it rhymes with Jeanie. Jeanie, Jeanie, Delaweanie. HAHAHAHAHA Love ya Jeanie. How about this one. Dela-where? Heard that one a few times already. Delawicious. Delawart. Delawarn. Delawarish. Delawarian. Anyone, anyone???? Maybe we should have a contest and just make up our own.


Jordan said...

According to Wikipedia, a person living in Delaware is called a Delawarean. I like Delaweanie better. :)

jeaniebug said...

I'm gonna be a Delaweanie for a couple months :)

Ryan said...

how about dela-wuh wuh-weseians? holla.

...physically and mentally!