Monday, September 21, 2009

Bonnie, Pizza, Wedding Dress (?), and Seminary

We sold Bonnie this week. We bought her in June for Emily to drive during the summer. She was affectionately called Bonnie Beach Car. No more. sniff sniff.....Sarah made homemade pizza for dinner the other night. I added the fresh mozzarella and basil. It was pretty good.When I got home from the airport after picking up Darrin, this is what Sarah was wearing. They made wedding dresses out of napkins. Cute! Perfect for our "prom stairs".Here is my seminary class minus Sarah....they are watching the new Apostle Song by the Sons of Ammon. They are a handfull. It is officially Fall now. We are dying to go on a "color-watch" tour. Not much change here yet, but north of us is already spectacular. Sept or Oct. would be a perfect visit time for any of you who haven't planned your trip here yet.


Emily Gordon said...

Hahaha! Sarah! That is amazing!!! I miss all of you!

jeaniebug said...

Sarah's dress is my all time favorite!

Kimberly said...

I'm very impressed by the skirt. And aren't there any girls in your class (except Sarah)?

Meagan said...

I'm a sucker for fall. Roy and I have been trying to plan a weekend getaway and I think it should be to come visit you. How much are tickets, do you know?

lisa said...

I woud love to live there! I am itching to be out of the dessert. I need to call you sometime and visit about it because I only worry about my kids not having enough LDS friends. I know the church is small there. BUt it seems like you love it. We will come visit some day!

...physically and mentally!