Friday, December 26, 2008

More Christmas!

I have to share the rest of Christmas because it includes a phone call from DALLIN! It was sooo great to talk to him again. And to hear him say "I love you so much"! Wow. It was hard to hang up when the time was up. favorite gift of the day....Darrin gave me a 20 year anniversary ring. I had a ten year ring already (on top) and now a 20 (on bottom). Love it.

We are off to Miami today to visit with Darrin's family. His Dad is steadily going down hill. He is still aware and happy, but can't communicate well and struggles to get around. He is such a sweet man. Rainy and cold here this week. We weren't dreaming of a wet Christmas, but we got one anyway. Oh well, we need the moisture. Jesse was pretty sick yesterday. He has had a nasty cough. He seems a little better today. Poor kid. No one should be sick on Christmas. Tomorrow my grandmother turns 100! Crazy! Alice is hanging up decorations and balloons. She is so great!

1 comment:

Cindy Jo said...

What a gorgeous hand model you would make Marcie. Merry Christmas. Missed seeing you. Looks like it was a good one.

...physically and mentally!