Friday, September 26, 2008

Technical Failure

Sorry about the long pause, but our computer died. We were able to save nearly everything, but have been without internet access for 2 weeks. Not much is new here anyway. Darrin's nephew, Raun, is living with us right now. He is 21 and saving to quit working and go back to school. He is the twin of Rue (currently seen on Emily's blog) I have planted most of my winter garden. I have just the spinach and brocoli left. So... I was prepping one of the planting beds and Raun asked why I was so gung hoe (hehe) about gardening. I told him that I am preparing for the "obamanation", as in an obamanation to the Lord. I crack myself up. It is a good thing cause no one else usually laughs. I am thinking about printing that on a t-shirt to sell. What do you think? I also want to print this one:
mediacracy-mediocre or low form of government manipulated by agencies of mass communication. Would you buy one? I have great ideas, but little courage. I also want to make one that says: PROUD PALIN PITBULL. Ha Ha. That is about as political as I get. I am back to teaching water aerobics at EAC. So I am brown again. And I smell like chlorine. Sorry I can't post any pictures cause they are on the old computer and this one is just a loner.


Emily Gordon said...

Sad day. I know how you feel being computerless.

Cindy Jo said...

I do believe I would buy a prepare yourselve now for an "obamanation" t-shirt. The others are over my head or something... Crazy climates our broccoli is about done now.

jeaniebug said...

haha you ARE funny!! I would totally buy a shirt! The Obamanation is my favorite!

...physically and mentally!