Monday, May 18, 2009

Tentative YES!

Our realtor just emailed me and said the the seller is signing our offer and sending it to the lender by the end of today! That isn't the end, but it is a great beginning. Also, our friends Olive Clawson and her daughter Jean Patterson and their family just invited us to spend the 4th of July weekend with them in Virginia (at Gary's house) and go to the fireworks in Washington DC. Gary has worked at the Pentagon and they (Clawson's) go there every year. We are totally stoked. Yippee!! Great Day! And to get Jeanie and go to NYC for 2 days.


Crawford's Corner's said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed on the house! I am going to Virgina in the middle of July. Down in Norfolk, I have a friend that lives there. Maybe we can make a trip up to where you are. Love the area.

Janiel said...

yeah! i hope it works! because when we come to visit, i hope we have a place to stay!

...physically and mentally!